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"Just a quick note to thank you for such an impressive and thorough G1000 training video. As a G1000 instructor as well as systems instructor for the Boeing 737 it is certainly refreshing to see such a high quality training program as the one I just watched. It is very informative and the presentation pace is outstanding. It is obvious your presentation was well thought out and you certainly know your material! Thanks again and I am pleased to have you a part of the aviation community."
Stephen G., AGI/IGI - Pan Am International Flight Academy - Miami B737/C208/SF340/EASA NAFI/SAFE
Stephen G., AGI/IGI - Pan Am International Flight Academy - Miami B737/C208/SF340/EASA NAFI/SAFE
For additional information contact:
Dick Rochfort, ATP, CFII
Master Instructor
Fly Safely - Train Often
Dick Rochfort, ATP, CFII
Master Instructor
Fly Safely - Train Often